Dedicated to the citizens of Mason County, Washington since 1886

The roads are bad, but Mary presses on

Wet and icky for most of the week. Mary attended chapter meetings all week. Sam had to fix a pipe down at the tavern. I am wondering whether Mary and Sam owned what is now the Woodshed Tavern? Does anybody know?

Sunday, Feb. 12, 1950

Today was very wet. It was dark all day. Simply poured down! Made ham waffles and we ate about 12 o'clock. Then I ironed and mended all the clothes. Sam went up to Belfair to see Emmett about the bread man who stole bread yesterday. There is still snow on the lawn but if it continues raining this hard it will soon disappear. George Nichols cut some of our fallen trees. Wrote to Mother, Helen Anderson and Mildred Robischau. Cleaned up my desk. In the evening Alma Nelson called up and we decided to go to Seattle Monday. She will look for material and a White Shrine pin for Ingrid Emery. Read the papers then went to bed early. Very wet out all day.

Monday, Feb. 13, 1950

Arose early and got ready for town. Sam ran the car out for me, and I went to Alma Nelson's. We got some goods at Penney's and then caught the 11:15 boat. We ate uptown and then looked for Jewel for Ingrid Emery. I bought a new black hat, a blouse and a pair of gloves. Back to Bremerton and ate dinner at Alma Nelson's. Cleaned up and got Duffields and Lovey and out to Nadean Clark's to Officers Club. She served with Barbara Housen. We cut our favors for the Grand Worthy Matrons official visit. Then we had a lovely lunch. Collected money for Lovey's gift. The roads were very bad, so we had to park a block away from the house as it was so muddy cars were getting stuck. Called on Mildred Bush. She is not going to Quilcene as roads are impossible. Home late and to bed. Mild but not trying to rain. Sunny part of the day.

Tuesday, Feb. 14, 1950

Today I slept fairly late. It was clear when I got up and for part of the day but by one it was raining again and still is at 7 p.m. To line officers with Belfair Chapter to Port Orchard our hostess chapter. We had a wonderful crowd out and very fine instruction. All the Olympic members were there. Went upstairs to the temple and went through the initiatory work so many questions were cleared up. All installation dates were given. Home and got dinner and then got ready for chapter at Union. Called Hazel Magneson so now we have only the sentinel to get. Have one more thinking it over. Rec'd many valentines. To Elinor Chapter with Eleanor Orcutt and Helen Mitchell in the truck and oh! What a good time we had. The meeting closed early at 9 so we spent a lot of time talking. Found out Helen's Installation is April 11 so I can go and I'm so glad! To hear Christine Ahl and Eddie Hagaas talk about their earphones was worth the effort to go down. Home early.

Wednesday, Feb. 15, 1950

Arose at 9:30 and we ate breakfast about 10:15. Sam went up to Belfair to see the work Tom is doing on the tavern. At noon, as soon as my work was finished, I drove to Shelton to see Gertrude Whaley Pringle who had made 250 Eastern Star bookmarks for me. Found her at home and we had a fine visit. Her brother from Agate and his wife came and her son Ed, 22 years old now, was home. Her husband got up (works swing shift) and so I met him also. Roads are all breaking up. The bookmarks are beautiful and now all I need to do is cover them. I'm sure everyone will enjoy them, and I do appreciate Gertrude making them for me. In the evening to Belfair Chapter where it was advance night. To chapter with Eddie Fischler. There were 17 Olympic Chapter there and was I proud. The initiatory work was beautifully done, and Alma Sundstrom did so well. Alice Pope and Edgar Morrison did well too. A patriotic program by Jean Romig was very well done. Home early.

Thursday, Feb. 16, 1950

Today was very mild and the sun shone most of the time. To Gorst at noon and had my hair combed out. Took my white dress to Mae Housen's and she will fix it. Home and worked on my calendar and scrapbook. Folded some of the bookmarks inside silver paper. Sam fixed a pipe up at tavern and came home about 15 till 6. Wore my blue flowered jersey to reliance meeting tonight. Windy out. Picked up Ruth Small and Mae Housen to go to reliance. Alice Pope met us at the store, so we all went together. There was a full house at reliance, and everyone was there we knew. So many from Olympic and Belfair. The decorations were pots of pink cyclamen in white baskets amid salal leaves. Ivy hung over the west tied with five colors. The initiatory work was so beautifully done. Erma is a very fine conductress. The addendum was clever and program of high school boy who sang and girl (15 years old) who (played pipe organ) very good. But oh, so late! It was 12:30 when we left Bremerton.

Friday, Feb. 17, 1950

A wet mild day and I never got up until after 10. I was so weary. Sam made breakfast of oatmeal mush. Very good. Cleaned house and worked on golden chain for Lovey's addendum. Tom K. put in cement for pump house. Today Aunt Vina and Uncle Henry came as I was working on favors for Alma N. We had a nice visit, and they went on to Uncle Louie's. They say their roads are much better than they were. In the evening Sam went to Masonic Lodge and I went to Gertrude Reynold's where we had a work party on the favors for White Shrine installation. Georgie Neiman, Elma Olsen and 2 other women were there. We finished all but 7. Ran out of stickers. Took us just an hour. Gertrude served a lovely lunch, and we had a fine time just chatting. Home early and to bed. Gertrude's house surely looks nice since they fixed it over. So roomy!

Saturday, Feb. 18, 1950

Very mild and clear out. Looks like a nice day ahead. Sun is coming out. Sam raked some on the lawn and I worked for about 2½ hours. Then at 11 Sam and Tom K. went over to Silverdale, Holly etc. and he did not get home until 5:15. I drove to Gorst and got my hair done. We attended the Scottish Rite dinner dance at 6:30. Took Eunice and Jesse Duffield in with us. We sat right across the table from Ruby and Howard Grey and next to Jack Jones. There were Bards, Popes, Wollmans, Morrisons and Sundstroms from Belfair. The entertainment was splendid. A DeMolay boy gave a "mystery" program like Orson Welles. Very clever. We danced from 9 till 12. Practically all our dance club were there and did we have fun. Afterward Jesse gave me daffodils. Sam, Eunice and I ate noodles. Very good. Home late. A most enjoyable evening.

Clydene Hostetler was a longtime Belfair resident and historian. She now lives on a classic wooden boat on the Columbia River. She has been researching Mary Theler's life for the past 17 years. She can be emailed at [email protected].


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