Dedicated to the citizens of Mason County, Washington since 1886


Mary, Sam and dog have fine time in California

The end of the year has come. No birds to hunt, so Mary and Sam go to Los Angeles to see friends. Mary got embarrassed when their dog Queenie dug up a couple of bushes. I had the same experience when I was visiting my parents at their new home in California. My German shepherd was a puppy and she dug up several rose bushes my stepdad had just planted. Oh gosh! Sam's birthday Dec. 29. Happy New Year to all!

Sunday, Dec. 25, 1949

The sun was warm and bright when we arose, so we ate breakfast and took Queenie out on a country road to run. While out there we saw a few geese flying and no hunter at all or any in town this a.m. or last night. So, we decided to go to Los Angeles for a few days then back here to hunt. Sam made reservations for our New Year's Eve dinner at the Willow hotel. I found out the C.E.S. Chapter meetings were second and fourth Wednesday. On our way and a lovely ride, it was. We had not too much traffic and landed at Fresno at 5:45. Have a room at the Palm Motel and ate at Pleasantville Café uptown. Now we are home again. Sam is reading and Queenie is lying on the floor. Sam will take her for a walk soon while I write a few cards. Saw 2 cranes today standing by a pig that was rooting up the ground. When he left, they were going after bugs. A very nice day.

Monday, Dec. 26, 1949

Today we arose early and left by 8:15. It was very foggy out. We did not make much time until about 9:30 when it lifted. We ate ham and tiny pancakes at Tiegs at noon and took Queenie for a good run. We certainly enjoyed our breakfast. Very good. Then on to Los Angeles. We called up and found out that Kurths would be home until 5 when they had to go out to dinner. So over to Kurths and we had a good visit until they left. We saw their tree, cards and gifts. There was so much to talk about. Our mouths went steady. Hung my clothes out to air. By tomorrow they will not be wrinkled. I hope, as I want to wear my gray dress. Gets dark at about 5. So now we are going out to eat. We had lobster thermador at the Brown Derby, and it was delicious. Saw the huge Christmas tree at Pershing Square. Very pretty but not as large as Bellingham. To bed late.

Tuesday, Dec. 27, 1949

We arose late and went over to Crenshaw where we ate a farm breakfast. It was delicious. Then to the May Co. where Sam bought socks and I found lace for a white blouse and pink taffeta for a long dress. I was so happy to find it. Very warm out and I'm sitting out in the sun and oh it's warm. Wish I could be outside all day. Sam took the car over to be lined up. In the afternoon we drove out to Balboa Park and Corona Del Mar where we saw a lot of new houses. We went through one house, and it was a beauty. Came home about 8 and found Queenie had chewed up a lot of paper and what a mess we had. She dug out one of Doris's bushes two different times and was I embarrassed! After dinner we played canasta and learned something about it. Lots of fun! To bed late. A wonderful sunset tonight.

Wednesday, Dec. 28, 1949

The clock rang at 7 and at 8 we were on our way north. The Kurths had slept so sound they did not hear us moving about. So, we said goodbye and left. The weather was warm all day and we rode with the windows down. It was beautiful along the ocean and no wind at all. As we left Los Angeles, we could hear the roar of the traffic. Sounds like waves of the ocean only no breaks in it. There were quite a few new homes as we went on our way, so we had a chance to see a lot of ideas. At Pismo Beach we had a clam dinner, and it was delicious. One place, Carpentaria State Park, we went on the beach with the dog and oh what fun she had. Took 2 pictures. Now we have a cabin at Salinas and Sam has a haircut. Looks better. This is a very nice place to stay. We had spareribs for dinner, and I gave Queenie the bones. Oh! Was she happy. Chewed them all up in no time. To bed early.

Thursday, Dec. 29, 1949

Sam's birthday. We ate at Gillray and were served such strong coffee Sam never took his usual second cup. To Oakland where we met the Robischaus just going out for a walk with their dog, so we went in and visited for 2 hours. We had a lovely time. They served fruit cake, ice cream and coffee. Then about 2 we drove over to Clara and Dick's. They were not at home but came just as Sam was talking to their neighbor. They had been fishing. No luck. So, we stayed there for a while. Saw all the new furniture. Then to New Joe's to eat and the spaghetti was delicious. We had a wonderful dinner. Picked up Helen and took her to Rita's so were there awhile. Then back to Clara and Dick's, took 4 pictures of me. Will take more tomorrow morning. They might look better. We left for our motel about 10:30 so were in bed about 11. Very weary. A long day and trying to see so many at one time is tiring. We left Queenie in Clara's basement so hope she did not chew.

Friday, Dec. 30, 1949

Trying to rain out, but that is just what Sam wants for duck hunting. We ate breakfast at Clara and Dick's. She made a Swedish dish of her mother's which turned out well. Everyone had a good time. Dick took a few more pictures and at 11:30 we started on our way. We made 2 stops with the dog and arrived at Willow's Hotel about 4. We spent nearly 45 minutes prowling along the side roads looking for ducks or geese. Not many flying. To the hotel where we took all the dog out for a run. Saw the Haines who hunted here last year and had a nice visit. He called up O'Brien Ranch, so Sam is all set to hunt tomorrow. To bed at 10. Sent a New Year's card to Alma and Blanche. Very cold out.

Saturday, Dec. 31, 1949

Sam arose at 6 and went hunting. I stayed in bed and slept until 9, believe it or not. Sam came in at 9:15. We ate breakfast downtown at the hotel and then rode out to where Sam was hunting. He had killed a nice goose in the morning, so we were very hopeful of getting something. Stayed out there until 1 and then to town where we drove up an unknown road and ate our lunch. It was lovely and warm in the sun, and we enjoyed it. Back to the field where we stayed until time to go home 3:55. Sam saw some geese once and had his glasses on and was looking at the paper. Couldn't get up in time. Blazed away and missed. He was disgusted. To the hotel and cleaned up as we go to the New Year's dinner here tonight. The New Year's party was very nice, but we missed Henry and Laurice. We had a lovely steak dinner and danced more than we did last year. There was a good crowd out and so many noise makers were given out. We had quite a collection. To bed at 12:15. Most of the party left about when we did.

Clydene Hostetler was a longtime Belfair resident and historian. She now resides on a classic wooden boat on the Columbia River. She has been researching Mary Theler's life for the past 17 years. She can be emailed at [email protected].


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