Dedicated to the citizens of Mason County, Washington since 1886


Judges and laws

Editor, the Journal,

Equity is a biblical principle – fear-mongering is not.

"Woe to unjust judges and to those who issue unfair laws, says the Lord, so that there is no justice for the poor ..." – Isaiah 10

I consider it an honor to have witnessed Judge Cadine Ferguson-Brown preside in the courtroom, to have listened to her share with children what it means to be a good citizen as they begin the school year, and to have seen her engage with the community.

I have attended several candidate forums and watched her maintain her composure and professionalism in each of them - even when a very large, angry retired law enforcement officer verbally attacked her because she said that it is a judge's job to "interpret the law" - which it is.

Apparently, Judge Ferguson-Brown's opponent didn't know Washington Code of Judicial Conduct (CJC) Cannon 2 either when he agreed that judges are not to interpret the law. Rule 2.2 states: "Although each judge comes to the bench with a unique background and personal philosophy, a judge must interpret and apply the law without regard to whether the judge approves or disapproves of the law in question."

Mr. Dave Stevens has argued ad nauseam that he would set much higher bail amounts than Judge Ferguson-Brown, seemingly remanding everyone into custody. Such predetermined bias violates the CJC. It also ignores numerous biblical warnings against those who would deny justice for the poor.

Countless studies decry cash bail as a tax on the poor. In 2019, the American Bar Association published, "Our legal system punishes poor people far more often and more harshly than the wealthy, often through pretrial detention and cash bail." I wonder if Mr. Stevens celebrates criminalizing poverty?

I will be voting for Judge Cadine Ferguson-Brown, for fairness, and for justice for all.

Rev. Kelly Dahlman-Oeth, Shelton

Vote to retain

Editor, the Journal,

As educators totaling 78 years serving the Shelton School District, we feel strongly about endorsing Karla Knudsen-Johnston to retain her current position in the Shelton School District School District, District 1.

Karla is a well-respected professional in our community. After teaching for 33 years in Shelton, Karla continued her dedication to contribute to Shelton School District as a member of Citizens of Shelton Schools for many years and as a member of the current Shelton School District School Board.

Karla's expectations for the future are to create our district to nurture the potential of every student to a successful future.

We strongly endorse Karla Knudsen-Johnston to our Shelton School District School Board.

Dann and Robin Gagnon, Shelton

Editor's note: This letter is a rebuttal to a letter that appeared in the Oct. 19 edition of the Journal.


Editor, the Journal,

In response to Linda Honan Sheldon's rebuttal in the Oct. 9 issue. Being a female, minority or trained overseas doesn't make Cadine Ferguson-Brown an outsider who doesn't share the values of Mason County. Cadine Ferguson-Brown is an outsider because she was appointed by Gov. Jay Inslee to finish out someone else's term and was not voted in by Mason County. Cadine Ferguson-Brown didn't share our values when Chantel Peterson was arrested for allegedly shooting her boyfriend seven times. Cadine Ferguson-Brown didn't share our values when she gave no credence to the arresting officer who indicated Peterson was a danger to herself and/or others. Cadine Ferguson-Brown didn't share our values when she disregarded the prosecutor's request for $500,000 bail. Cadine Ferguson-Brown didn't share our values when she set bail at $5,000 and let Peterson walk for $500. Peterson then committed suicide because Cadine Ferguson-Brown doesn't share our values to protect the accused, the victim or the community. Cadine Ferguson-Brown chose to only protect the accused. My "partisan political preferences" are to keep all three of those safe and protected. Protecting the accused with total disregard for the victims or community is soft on crime, regardless of political party.

Pam Burger, Shelton

Port election

Editor, the Journal,

I am supporting Sue Patterson for re-election to the Port of Shelton Commission.

In her two terms as a port commissioner, Sue has worked effectively with the county, city and PUD commissions and their respective staffs to encourage business growth that will provide family wage jobs for our community. I believe she feels that maintaining and strengthening those relationships is an important key to attracting new businesses to our county. She has a solid business background and a conservative approach to financial management. She has supported policies that have improved and strengthened the financial well-being of the Port of Shelton.

Retaining Sue Patterson for another term on the Port of Shelton Commission makes sense to me.

Linda Gott, Shelton

Taking back change

Editor, the Journal,

"Take Back Mason County," "Take Back America."

Yes, we should all be concerned. The people at the root are Christian Nationalist and evangelical Christians, sounds benign enough, until you research.

They have "seven mountains of influence." Government, education, media, family, entertainment, religion and business.

They have three types of bills they are pushing.

"Cosmetic measures" such as demanding schools post "In God We Trust" signs and posting the Ten Commandments in courthouses.

"Sectarian Resolutions," proposing "Christian Heritage Week" and "The Year of the Bible" bills. Anti-abortion laws. Laws dictating that sexual relations are only to be between married heterosexual couples. "Limiting adoptions to heterosexual families." "Banning gender-affirming care."

We've seen across this country's rights being taken away. Women's decisions, LGBTQ rights. History being, not just "whitewashed," but eliminated. Books banned, public libraries closed.

We've seen rights taken away by school boards, city councils, judges, at all levels, as well as state legislatures and governors. We have candidates for president who have the same goals.

The goal is a white, Christian heterosexual country. Take it back from everyone else.

Our individual political party, religion, sex, gender, heritage should not matter. We should all be standing up for each other.

This is a quote from evangelical Christians – how many times in our history have we seen this type of strategy?

"If gay people are not successfully framed as predators, then extreme measures against them could be questioned."

Donna Holliday, Shelton

Port thoughts

Editor, the Journal,

Experience matters – retain Sue Patterson for Port Commissioner Position 1.

I would like to share my experiences attending the Port of Shelton commission meetings over the past 11 months.

We have a commission that is using their individual experiences in their positions as a port commissioners to form a great team.

Sue Patterson is a current commissioner who is running for re-election for another term. I have watched and listened to Commissioner Patterson in meetings. She shows she has the best interest of the Port of Shelton and the Mason County community by her actions. She is eager to help grow the port in a manner that will benefit the community and the port while using her vast business knowledge.

The Port of Shelton is in a strong financial position, with close to 90% occupancy and plans in process to replace and build some large buildings.

Our current commission works well with our Port of Shelton Executive Director Wendy Smith. It is my thoughts that this should be left in place and not micromanaged by any others who have not had experience with running a port district. Our current commission does an outstanding job overseeing the decisions of our executive director as she continues to excel in her position for our port.

I would like to ask my community members to help retain Sue Patterson as our port commissioner for another four-year term. She is the best for this position and will continue the positive growth and operations at the Port of Shelton!

Sue Patterson is experienced, transparent, business-minded and a great asset to our community and Port of Shelton.

Thank you for your help.

Jeff Neely, Shelton

Stevens for judge

Editor, the Journal,

I have known Dave Stevens for seven years. I am a licensed bondsman in Washington. I was working in Okanogan County when I meet Dave. Dave was extremely fair when he wanted bail. He would never set it too high or too low. He would fight to keep the criminals behind bars that needed to be. And if it was your first offense, he would give you a chance. Dave has looked at everyone as humans and treats everyone with respect. He is a very religious man. But he does separate that. Dave follows the Constitution and will back it up. I would be honored to have Stevens as a judge.

Nathan Preston, Black Hawk, SD

Join the effort

Editor, the Journal,

This August I stood in the road to stop nuclear weapons at the Bangor Trident Submarine Base gate.

I believe I am required to do so according to the Nuremberg Principles, the U.N. Treaty Prohibiting Nuclear Weapons and other moral and legal treaties signed by the United States.

Weapons of mass destruction are immoral, illegal and while being built, rob people of health, housing and meaningful employment, plus exasperate the climate crisis threatening all life on Earth.

The trillions of dollars spent on weapons of mass destruction should be redirected to solving the climate crisis, provide universal health care, child care, free pre-K through college, nutritional food, affordable green housing, and peace of mind knowing we won't be blown up.

Negotiations, not threats, eliminating WMD, not building more, helping poor people live quality lives, saving our earth and oceans – we can and must stop the insanity and waste of WMD. I urge you to join in the effort.

Peace, justice for all, and deep caring for our earth,

Michael "Firefly" Siptroth, Belfair

Majority support

Editor, the Journal,

Please vote if you haven't already. We can all benefit from a well-run Mason County Superior Court.

Rereading the letters to the editor concerning that race showed the majority of writers were very positive about electing Cadine Ferguson-Brown.

Twelve of the 30 were critical of her and supported her opponent. I've been concerned about her being blamed for the suicide death of a lady. Her bail had been set at $5,000 and after paying $500 she was released. She was no threat to the public, but only to herself. (People have been known to also commit suicide in jail.) Some research I had read recently stated the law's requirements for assigning bail include requiring the judge to consider the ability of the accused to pay when setting the amount, but that most judges ignore that part.

Some other Stevens' supporters blamed Gov. Jay Inslee's political views for appointing her. A longtime Mason County lawyer pointed out that the governor had appointed Dan Goodell to the bench as well as 85 others, both liberal and conservative, throughout the state. The nomination selection process included a panel of experts/professionals who interviewed the candidates, (Mr. Stevens had also applied), but Cadine Ferguson-Brown was selected and recommended to the governor.

The local lawyer also wrote, "The amount of bail was appropriate under controlling laws." Labels and name-calling on the basis of that bail or the governor's appointments are false and misleading.

I served on several juries under retired Judge Victoria Meadows and consider her to be an excellent judge and advocate for our jury system. Her support of Cadine Ferguson-Brown is completely credible.

Another writer shared Stevens' own quote speaking highly of Ferguson-Brown as a judge.

I highly recommend voting for Cadine Ferguson-Brown in this nonpolitical race.

Monna E. Haugen, Belfair


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