Dedicated to the citizens of Mason County, Washington since 1886


Mary's holiday gathering season in full gear

A lot of Christmas doings going on. Wrapping presents, parties, etc. Mary spent over 4 hours on her address book one night for Christmas cards. I remember my mother would spend days writing her Christmas cards out. The weather has turned into lots of rain. A county commissioner drowned.

Sunday, Nov. 27, 1949

An extremely windy day although the sun came out it was raining about half of the time and tonight it's raining again. Made a cherry pie and cleaned house good. Wrote several letters then started on my large address book. Then I tried to call Betty Fischler but could get no answer, so I took some pie and went down. She was fine but her phone was out of order. We sat there and talked while the wind howled outside. Then home and fried some venison steak for dinner and Nichols came in and talked all the while I ate. Worked on my big address book for 4 hours and it is as complete as I can get it unless I copy telephone numbers from Lovey. She may have a few I do not. Now that my address book is done, I can concentrate on the rest of my Christmas wrappings. Will take a bath and go to bed as my feet are cold. Eddie and Sam are driving to Tacoma as the ferry nearly turned over in the wind the day they rode on it so they are taking no chances. A flood in upper Skokomish caused people to be moved out in boats. Red Cross helped. Roy Carr, county commissioner, was drowned.

Monday, Nov. 28, 1949

Arose early and got my work done. Sam washed clothes. There were only a few. Went to Marie Higgins with the decorations and we chatted awhile. Then to Alma Higgins with the decorations and found Ruby already there. So, then we got our sewing lined up on the three hand maiden's gowns and spent all day on them. Out for lunch and then back at sewing again. By supper time we had 3 gowns all at the same stage and with a little changing of thread a lot of sewing to be done. After dinner of barbecued crab, we went to White Shrine. The Inner Guardian was away so Ruth asked me to sit at the door. Ruth Thoreson and Larraine Stark, Assoc. Matron of Seattle 95, were there. Took them to the ferry as they wanted to leave early. However, they did have time to eat. Then back to the Temple and ate cookies Alma made. Very good. Ruby took the chrysanthemums home Alma had on the refreshment table on her lace cloth. Washed dishes and home. To bed late. Alma was not well all day. Her asthma was bad again.

Tuesday, Nov. 29, 1949

Was very cold last night but rained during the eve and is still damp. Wrote a few cards after I got up. Alma Nelson called and said she felt bad, so we won't sew today. Sam and Eddie Fischler went to Bremerton to see about our extended service and from there Sam will go to an auction in Auburn to meet Hank Bruemire and then call on Hank's sister. Called on Mrs. Ritzen whose brother died in California. They were all well. Mr. Ritzen does not look too good though. Then home and sprinkled clothes. Tied up all the Christmas parcels I have in the attic and that is a relief to be done at last. Raining out again. I hope we do not have more floods. Ironed in evening and put all clothes away.

Really got a lot done today by staying home. Bought some more magazines and will save some to read during the Christmas vacation, if we go away.

Wednesday, Nov. 30, 1949

Arose late and was eating my breakfast when Maimee Gould called. Then Alma Nelson called, and we decided to sew. Arrived at Alma's at 11:30 and we sewed until 4:30 when I went home. We really got a lot done and really were happy about it. We had a lot of fun too. Then home and made venison steak for dinner. Sam had put on the squash. It was delicious. Received a letter from Elma Olson. She is visiting in Oregon. Rained all day and was hard driving coming home. To the Belfair O.E.S. Social and we had to wait till Lucy Drake came from a meeting in Bremerton with a key. We had a nice meeting. Lavina Williams elected president, Topsy Trevis vice president, Bonnie DeLeo secretary/treasurer. Then we had chili and crackers and pickles for refreshments. Bought 3 boxes of stationery from Guide Short to have on hand for gifts. Raining hard out. Home at 10:30.

Thursday, Dec. 1, 1949

Today it rained so hard all day it was miserable. In the afternoon I sewed all the bugle beads on the two back panels of my white dress for Chapter next year. Took 3½ hours and my eyes were so tired afterward I felt punk. Then Alice Pope called up and wanted to know if I wanted to Chapter. There was a good crowd out. Lovey, Eunice De Long, Maimee Hamburg and a Marine, one of our members. The meeting was lovely, and they had a fine program. "The Littlest Angel" a recording story was played by phonograph. Very good. Great baskets of pine boughs with cones, red ribbon and one bunch of red Christmas balls. At each pedestal a goldfish bowl in which burned a candle surrounded with holly. Upstairs Christmas scenes on all the tables. Very lovely.

Friday, Dec. 2, 1949

Overslept and barely got ready in time before Alice Pope got here. We caught the 8:25 ferry and Mary Homberg and Ruth Radnich were there, so we talked all the way over. We had no instruction as Floss Bush was ill, so we had our Christmas party. I received a pottery pickle dish and a milk glass rooster from my secret pal. We had a good lunch. Shopped and saw Andria Smith, an associate matron who had to give up her office on account of illness. We saw Bon March's window. Almost like our stage of last year's Christmas party. Met the Shidharths too. Caught the 3:30 boat and saw Maimee Gould. We had the Port Orchard girls with us again. Saw Marjie Harvey and her officers who were returning from a Rebecca funeral in Renton. Home and got dinner. Sam went to Masonic Lodge at Belfair, and I called on Betty Fischler. We had a nice visit. Very cold out. May freeze tonight.

Saturday, Dec. 3, 1949

Eddie Fischler and Lud Anderson were here for Sam before he was ready, so Lud had coffee. They went to a Shrine Ceremonial in Tacoma. Rudy Sundstrom goes in tonight. I cleaned house, washed clothes, went up to Belfair, and got a dust mop and the handle does not fit. Set trap for the rat in Sam's car and also for mice. Decorated the cabin for Christmas. Fixed a container with holly for Mrs. Bryan. Saw Squires and he will come down Monday to finish up. In the evening Alice Pope, Ruth Small and I went to see Murleen Ahl installed as Honor Queen of Bethel No. 37 at Union. I sat near Helen Anderson, and we had a lovely visit. There were a good many people out although it was wet and nasty outside. Saw the Maxwell Jordans from our Chapter and had a nice talk with them. There were quite a few from Belfair as so many daughters were in the installation ceremonies. Home late.

Clydene Hostetler was a longtime Belfair resident and historian. She now resides on a classic wooden boat on the Columbia River. She has been researching Mary Theler's life for the past 17 years. She can be emailed at [email protected].


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