Dedicated to the citizens of Mason County, Washington since 1886


You lie in the bed you made (or don’t)

After a lifetime of not doing so, I started making our bed two months ago. The spur was mostly a desire to improve order in the courtroom, which it has, but we’ve also discovered the satisfaction of slipping into a smooth invitation at the end of the day.

Your mind drifts while making the bed, and mine drifted the other day to a question: How many people make their bed? In 2011, an organization asked America just that. It’s 70% of us, according to the National Sleep Foundation.

Last week, I sent an email to 21 Journal readers in Mason County to discover whether they make the bed. I selected the 21 readers because they’ve sent me kind comments over the years and because I suspected they’d consort with this foolishness. Twelve responded, and one answered by saying she wasn’t going to answer. Of those 12, nine said they engage in some manner of bed-making, and three do not. That’s 75 percent for the bed-makers — 5 percentage points more than the rest of America, allegedly.

Thanks to all who responded.

“I do make my bed. I also tuck in the pillow cover. This I have done since Mrs. Froon took her first out-of-town contract job, fall/winter of 2019. It was to Fairport, Illinois, and her lodgings were in Rockford, Illinois, home of the Sock Monkey, Danica Patrick and the band Cheap Trick. I began making the bed daily because with her gone, I could do it while the cat ate and the coffee brewed. I did not have to ‘get back to it later’ when we had arisen — all three of us, if you count the cat, and I do count the cat. It is now a habit rarely neglected. Now I get into bed, draw up the covers, adjust the pillow and it’s “Goodnight, Morpheus, Hello, Erebus and Sweet Dreams, Hypnos.’ ”

Doc Froon, Shelton

“Yes, I make my bed every day, and I’ve been doing it since I went to summer camp in Maine at age 11. The practice helped me a lot when I went to Army basic training 10 years later, and the bed had to be tight enough that a quarter would bounce off of it. To this day, I love the feeling of sliding into a tightly made bed.”

Steve Hecht, Grapeview

“We use two beds and I make them both, if I can beat my wife to the task. It says I care for her as I do it and she gets the message. I have been doing this for a few years. She has started turning down my bed for me at night and I get the same silent message from her. We have been friends since 1965 and married since 1990!”

Allen Roth, Shelton

“Currently, I don’t make the bed. Why? My husband is in it.”

Jeannine Daggett

“I don’t make my bed all tidy, but I do make it so as you said, no fussing required while I’m tired and just ready to crawl in between Mr. & Mrs. Sheets. Then, it’s head down on Mr. Pillow, aka my giant marshmallow ;-)

Karen Hranac, Shelton

“Growing up, my sister and I hung a sign on our shared bedroom door: ‘Unmade beds are friendlier.’ But as a grownup, I consistently make my bed in the morning. It gets my day off to a good start, and I can always point to my one accomplishment.”

Lynn Busacca, Shelton

“Learned very early, my first chore and even now I make all beds ... Hotels, even sleeping bags. It’s like ending the night and launching the day!”

Dena Ingalls

“I sometimes make my bed and sometimes I don’t. The reason depends on if I make it as soon as I think about it or do I take the chance and wait 15 seconds because by that time I am already focused on the next thing that happened to pop up in my mind.”

Greg A. Shelton

“I have made my bed every day since I was child. In high school assisting in the nurse’s room, I learned how to make hospital corners with the sheets on the ends of the beds. Loved it. Sometimes I think of the lady who taught us when making my bed today.”

Margaret Chambers, Shelton

“In the Marine Corps, 1970, I had to ensure when the sergeant dropped a quarter from on high it would bounce back up off the tight and fastidiously made bed. Today, with an exposed bottom sheet, I then uniformly fold the main top blanket and place it neatly at the foot of the bed and call it good.”

Darrell Barker, Shelton

“I recently broke my habit of daily bed making. I hope this inspires me to get back to it. A made bed is so nice! It’s prettier, easier to get in and out of, and causes me to sigh with contentment whenever I walk into the room.”

Sherry, Harstine Island

“Nope. Moisture builds up overnight, and making the bed traps that moisture, which allows bed mites to thrive. I am not enamored of bed mites. Have you seen high resolution closeups of bed mites? Yikes. As for any psychological reasons to do so, I am too far gone for that to matter.”

Name withheld by request

Author Bio

Kirk Ericson, Columnist / Proofreader

Author photo

Shelton-Mason County Journal & Belfair Herald
email: [email protected]


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