Dedicated to the citizens of Mason County, Washington since 1886
Majority of public comments oppose project
Residents can make their voices heard at 1 p.m. Wednesday at 411 N. 5th Street in Shelton on a permit application for a proposed Taylor Shellfish floating oyster bag farm in Oakland Bay.
According to the hearing examiner webpage, the permit will allow Taylor Shellfish to grow Pacific oysters and install a floating oyster bag system in Oakland Bay, which will take up an estimated 9.1 acres of surface water within a 50-acre area that will be used for floating oyster gear.
According to Mason County planner Luke Viscusi, his department received 49 comments from the public about the project, with f...
Reader Comments(1)
ginnydouglas writes:
Mr Baide. It doesn't appear you personally investigated any of the information in your article; you just repeated everything you got from the County recommendation. This issue requires more scrutiny on the part of everyone in the county and the State. Please take the time to provide your readership with a fair representation of the issue at hand.
08/03/2023, 3:17 pm This comment has been flagged