Dedicated to the citizens of Mason County, Washington since 1886


Coroner gets toxicology tools

Mason County commissioners approved the purchase of rapid toxicology screening tools for the Mason County coroner.

According to the information packet, it can take 10 weeks to receive a toxicology report from the state lab, which can interfere with death certificates, analysis of drug use in the community, assessment, surveillance and delays law enforcement. Public health departments in the state are looking to shorten the delay. Mason County Public Health recommended the purchase of toxicology screening tools. The recommended device is called Evidence Multistat, an automated post-mortem drug test. The coroner is familiar with the tools and knows it is in use in other counties.

The cost is $64,181.12 from the Foundational Public Health Services Consolidated contract for illicit drug intervention.

Transportation program payments

Commissioners approved paying the balance owed to the Patty Wagon for the Behavioral Health and Recovery Support Transportation pilot program.

According to the information packet, Patty Wagon contracted with the county for the pilot program from February 2022 to December 2023 with a total budget of $80,000. The pilot program ended in May, about eight months early. The pilot budget was exceeded and the contractor submitted a final invoice for the expenses.

The budget effect is $15,165.32 from treatment sales tax money.

Courts get audio, visual upgrades

Mason County superior and district courts were approved to upgrade the Justice AV Solutions system.

According to the information packet, the courts use JAVS to record official proceedings, but the version of JAVS is in use will be unsupported at the end of the year and needs to be upgraded. Superior court is requesting money for the three courtrooms in the courthouse, plus juvenile court in Building 6 on the Mason County government campus. District court is requesting money for the two courtrooms in Building 10.

The budget effect will be $27,185.30 for superior court upgrades and $4,194.24 for district court upgrades.

Social Services Program contract

The Northwest Resources II Social Opportunity Services program for 2024 was approved by county commissioners at Tuesday’s meeting.

According to the information packet, the program provides recovery support services and coordinates with people addicted to drugs and mental health problems and are navigating the local criminal justice system, therapeutic courts and re-entry programs. The program works in partnership with other peers, case managers and local agencies working within the current Mason County Behavioral Health Response System to better support individuals who are recovering to reduce recidivism.

The budget effect is $167,655.40 from treatment sales tax.

Janitorial service proposals requested

Mason County commissioners approved a request for proposals for janitorial services.

According to the information packet, Mason County contracts janitorial services, and the current contract with Coastal expires at the end of the year. The contract is for $200,000, and $196,823 has been billed so far. Three locations have been added for janitorial services.

The budget effect is expected to be an additional $45,000 for services through the end of the year and then the budget increase for 2024 is anticipated to be $245,000.

Auditor’s Office updates software

The Mason County Auditor’s Office is updating Records Public Access software from Tyler Technologies.

According to the information packet, the software will provide features that make it easier for residents to search for recorded land records and data, retrieve documents and images to purchase, download and print. It will include electronically certified and encrypted copies through secure online access.

The hope is it will provide additional revenue to the county and allow recording staff to focus higher priority to needs of constituents. As part of the upgrade, the office also plans to offer fraud guard services, which are email alerts when a public document is filed using the individual or business name, and the notifications will protect residents from land record fraud.

The budget effect for 2023 is $22,500 for software and project management services for implementation and $1,500 for an annual maintenance fee. The money will be reallocated from within the recording department operations and maintenance budget.

Security approved at Phillips Lake park

Mason County commissioners approved the coordination of security at Phillips Lake at Tuesday’s meeting.

According to the information packet, reports have been made by residents of the Phillips Lake community about parties in the park at night. In the past, a contract existed between a resident of Phillips Lake, situated just south of Spencer Lake, and the county for the person to secure the gate every night and open the gate every morning in conjunction with operating hours. The contract no longer exists.

Phillips Lake resident Jean Ennis has been contracted to open and close the gate for $100. The money is not in the current Mason County parks and trails budget.


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