Dedicated to the citizens of Mason County, Washington since 1886

Helen Elizabeth Schumpert Gerhold

Our Beloved Helen Elizabeth Schumpert Gerhold passed away gracefully and peacefully on March 10, 2023, at the age of 94 years and five days. Helen Gerhold was a hardworking, faithful Christian who put God first and served the Lord Jesus Christ with all her time and strength. She loved her family and prayed daily for her kids and grandkids, her greatest desire was that they know and follow the Lord Jesus. Helen and her family attended the First Baptist Church in Shelton, WA.

The Gerhold family moved to Shelton in 1969, bought a house and began a new venture knowing that Mr. Eugene Gerhold had only months to live, he passed away in 1975 after a six-year battle. Nevertheless, Helen never complained about the Lord's provision for her, she successfully raised three kids on her own while working as an aide at Fir Lane Terrace Convalescent Home, attending to the needs of her very sick husband and eventually paid off her house. After retiring she volunteered at The Rainbow Acres in Camp Verde Arizona which is a Christian community with heart that empowers adults with developmental disabilities to live to their fullest potential with dignity and purpose.

Helen helped people a lot, friends, and strangers alike, she helped with whatever the need was without complaining and sometimes without being asked to do it. Friends could always drop in at her home and be welcomed – without planning or phoning ahead, to talk about anything, she was a real friend.

Everyone is welcome to join Janey, Mary Ellen, David, many friends, and others who knew Helen, at her house on Jackson Street in Shelton on July 22nd. Come as you are anytime from 11-2 pm and celebrate, Give Thanks to God, listen to or share your own story about Helen and how her unconditional love and her commitment to Jesus Christ positively affected you.

Helen is and always has been our Angel. We love her dearly and miss her very much!


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