Dedicated to the citizens of Mason County, Washington since 1886


Verbose condensation

Editor, the Journal,

I enthusiastically applaud the Journal's new policy regarding letters to the editor. Though some regular contributors' freedom of grievance speech may be restricted by a paragraph or two, I'm serendipitously wishful it may broaden or even enlighten their understanding of the world. It's said brevity is the soul of wit. And wisdom.

Craig Anderson, Shelton

Who you are

Editor, the Journal,

A few words about you. You are without an agenda.

You are confident that you can overcome conformation bias, the halo effect and the availability heuristic.

You do not suffer from tribalism or group think.

You are a skeptic. Reason and logic govern your decision-making.

You make the effort to understand the underlying motivations and biases of information sources.

You recognize that even credible sources can have inherent biases.

You check for sensationalism, hyperbole, fear-mongering and emotional appeals.

You are wary of anecdotes, hearsay and any unverifiable evidence.

You seek to foster a respectful and evidence-based exchange of ideas.

You evaluate information for accuracy, relevance, completeness and context.

You check the credibility of the source material.

You actively seek out diverse perspectives and opinions.

You look for several sources and cross-check information across reliable media.

You remain open-minded and receptive to new information and ideas.

You are willing to reevaluate your beliefs and adjust your conclusions, based on compelling evidence and/or reasoned arguments.

You have accounted for, and negated, all the possible influences that would encumber an accurate evaluation of the issue(s).

You prioritize the pursuit of truth and accuracy over personal preferences or ideological affiliations.

Your commitment to reason, logic and evidence-based thinking guides your decision-making process.

Then you hear water running and have to go pee.

Brian Brehmeyer, Elma

Fantastic fireworks

Editor, the Journal,

Just a shoutout to Manke and company for an exciting fireworks Saturday evening during Mason County Forest Festival weekend.

It's been a tradition to pack up our lawn chairs and blankets every year and head to Shelton High School with friends to observe the fireworks but this year they were awesome. Enjoyed the "bee sound" and the colorful fireworks. No doubt they were the best fireworks in years. Thank you Manke and the volunteers for putting on such an outstanding display of fireworks.

Dann & Robin Gagnon, Shelton

Congrats, class

Editor, the Journal,

Congratulations to the students and staff of CHOICE High School for another successful year. Next year the community will celebrate CHOICE's 40th year.

Special congratulations to the 2023 graduates who had the extra challenge of the pandemic during their high school years, along with the unique challenges that each student brings to CHOICE High School.

Good luck to the graduates as they begin to contribute to the Shelton area community and for some, to their tribes.

I hope the community will join in cheering for their continued success!

Susan Barnard, Shelton

Cheers for new policy

Editor, the Journal,

Thank you for your new guidelines for letters to the editor. I have had enough of the political bickering. We now know exactly where certain letter writers stand on presidents past and present. These diatribes take up space that could be used to address our local issues. Thank you.

Gary Gozart, Union

Lack of empathy

Editor, the Journal,

I am responding to three previous letters which used my name. All leading back to a guest column.

What I asked about was why these are "buzzwords" and what are the "red flags?" Why is this so threatening? Am I to infer that only "good 'ol straight white boys" can run this country?

Pride flag, learn what the colors mean. No threat to anyone. Coalition, simply LBGTQ people supporting each other. No threat.

Target, Budweiser any other business, are not "pushing" LBGTQ items. Simply a sale display.

Pride parade did not "shove" it in your face. You were in their space. Yes, I have been to parades in Seattle. Yes, I was put off by the lack of clothing on some people. I have felt just as put off by heterosexual people on public beaches. And I have been appalled by the outfits and gyrations on stage and in videos of some very popular artists. Twerking is the most disgusting. Even little kids do it. No politician will go after this.

As for science and chromosomes, I don't need a scientist to tell me who I am. No one does.

Gender-affirming care has been happening for generations. The partisan intervention is by Republicans trying to dictate our very private lives. Transgender people have no political agenda until their rights are being taken away.

Gender-affirming care includes social, emotional, psychological care. Surgeries are the last steps.

I don't know how many LBGTQ people live in Mason County, how many kids. Everyone should feel safe here.

Scariest phrase to me - lack of empathy.

Donna Holliday, Shelton

Oakland Bay

Editor, the Journal,

I am writing this letter because there is a major project being proposed for Oakland Bay that will have a massive impact on the nature of how our waters can be used, and public notification has been absolutely minimal.

The planner for Mason County Community Services told me that the magnitude of the project does not change the amount of public notice that is necessary, and Taylor Shellfish only needs to provide names and mailing addresses of all property owners within 300 feet of the property in which the proposal is located. If this proposal goes through, it will affect our entire community, not just the few people 300 feet away.

Taylor Seafoods is proposing to construct an oyster-growing operation a bit south of Chapman Cove that will have a 50-acre footprint which will not be usable by the public. This is the equivalent of 38 football fields. A good part of the deeper water of Oakland Bay would be dedicated to enhancing the profits of Taylor Seafoods and dramatically reducing public access and recreational opportunities. Also, it's going to be downright ugly.

There are several ways the public can provide input. A public hearing is scheduled for 1 p.m. Aug. 9 at 411 N. 6th St. in Shelton. You can also contact Luke Viscusi, our Mason County Community Services Planner at [email protected], 360-427-9670, ext. 282.

Please let anyone you know who might have an interest in the result of this hearing know what's going on. Thanks.

Bill Morisette, Shelton

Thanks, Journal

Editor, the Journal,

Oh, thank you for the new rules concerning letters to the editor. I have lived in Shelton for almost 50 years and really love this area and the Journal. The past several years, I have been dismayed by some of our residents who seem to have hijacked the Opinion Page with snarky, divisive and at times downright nasty diatribes. I am not a goody two-shoes, but I feel we live in a lovely town, in a beautiful area in a great country. Improvement is always needed, but let's work together to achieve it rather than tear each other apart.

Thank you again for the new guidelines.

Bonnie Rice, Shelton


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