Dedicated to the citizens of Mason County, Washington since 1886


Mary and Sam have plenty of drop-in friends

Mary and Cleora drive to Pullman to pick up the girls from college after their finals. Mary finished putting her wool clothes in the attic for the summer. My mother used moth balls to prevent moths from eating on our clothes. We had several winter/snow wool outfits that would become hand-me-downs to us younger kids.

Saturday, May 28, 1949

Washed clothes and then sewed up curtains for the cabin. Dusted and was ready to leave at 1. Sam fixed the stove so it will work and mowed a part of the lawn. Then went to help Rudy move a stove. Had my hair fixed at Gorst and then picked up Lovey and over to the high school where Reliance was getting ready for Florence's reception. We were there until after 4 and went thru our line of march. Then I went to Cleora's and had dinner and she and I went to the reception together. There was a fine crowd, and everything went off pretty much as planned. The decorations were so lovely, rhododendrons, pink weigelia, and pink hydrangeas. The east was a bower of evergreens. There were so many there we knew. Everyone had a good time. Saw Patty Anne Crosson and Gertrude Yearsley. Home late and to bed. Sam got home from Tacoma Shrine Ceremonial just before I did.

Sunday, May 29, 1949

Today I got up early as I could not sleep. I cleaned house and was just going to iron when Henry, Laurice and the boys came. Made breakfast and then we went to the cemetery. Picked some rhododendrons to put there. Home and got dinner. In came Georgia and Clyde Nieman on their way to a picnic with relatives including her mother. So, we showed them around. After dinner Henry and Laurice went home and before I got the dishes off the table in came Gene Shaw and his wife. They stayed quite a while, and she wiped my dishes. Then when they left, I finished my ironing and put part of it away. Then did some writing and worked on my scrapbook. Very cold out and the wind is quite cold. To bed early. Very tired.

Monday, May 30, 1949

Today was very windy. We had a nice breakfast at 9:30 with my favorite wild roses on the table. Then I cleaned and dusted the house and put moth crystals in all the felt boxes. Afterward, I tied up all the delphinium and other plants. Cut seeds off poppies. After a sandwich, Sam and I cleaned the garden over by the chicken house and it surely looks lovely. Sam raked off all the rocks too. Then he raked all the road, and it certainly looks nice. We had steak and strawberries for dinner, and it was good. Lovey called up and she thinks her line officers are not cooperating and talked about 30 minutes, but I think she is just feeling bad again and does not like it because I'm going with Cleora Wed. Anyway, she seemed OK Saturday evening so I'm sure I don't know what brought this on. Elma Olsen and Maimee G. both called. Had a nice visit. Took bouquets of lupin, roses and day lilies to Fischler's.

Tuesday, May 31, 1949

Today it rained so Squires did not come down, but I planted the marigolds and the geraniums. Then I cleaned the attic and put all the wool clothes in bags. That's all done for this year. Took my blue dress up to Mae Housen's and I tried it on so now it will fit better. She will fix the shirt too. Christie danced for me, and she certainly is graceful. Called Cleora and told her I was coming tonight at 8:30. Packed my suit so I'm all ready to go. We ate an early dinner of macaroni and cheese and just about the time we were half thru. Here comes Floyd Hayton and his wife and baby 2 years old. So, they ate too and spent the night sleeping in their trailer. I got ready and went to Cleora's at 8:15. We went to bed early as we had to catch an early ferry.

Wednesday, June 1, 1949

We arose early and caught the 7:30 ferry. It rained all night and cleared up as far as Cle Elum where we ate strawberries and toast. Took turns driving and it was a lovely ride. The sky was clear and full of fleecy clouds. Ate lunch at Moses Lake and it was very warm there. Arrived at Pullman at 4:30 and found Marjorie at the house. We sat around and talked until dinner. It was very pleasant to eat with the girls. They sang songs and had such a good time. We saw a show later and came home. Waited for Marjorie to come home from study, so we could be shown our bed in the dorm. Very cold out and we needed a coat. Lots of excitement here as exams are on and the girls are going home. To bed late. Saw a chicken and her chicks.

Thursday, June 2, 1949

Today was cool and cloudy all day but we enjoyed it for otherwise we would have suffered from heat. Arose late and glad I slept well although it was a hard bed, Cleora and I ate downtown and looked through the stores. Then we packed Marjorie's suitcases in the car which was a real job. At 5 Marjorie and Donna were ready. All through with their finals so off we started home. Ate dinner at Ritzville and stopped for gas at North Bend. Not much traffic save trucks over the pass. Caught the 1:15 ferry and was home by 3. I was so weary. I decided not to go to Seattle on Friday. To bed late. We had a very lovely time on the trip and Cleora is certainly a good companion.

Friday, June 3, 1949

Sam got Squires about 10 a.m. and he worked about 3 hours. Sprayed the holly for worms. Then I cleaned the house and put away my stuff. Sam went to Portland about noon to the Shrine Ceremonial. When I took Squires home, I went to Belfair and did my Saturday shopping. Got my striped skirt at Mae's and tried on my blue dress. It is OK. Home and laid in the sun a couple of hours. Watered part of the lawn and cleaned my tan dress and Sam's plaid shirt. In the evening I watered the garden good as it was so warm all day. Then down to Betty Fischler's about 8:30 and stayed until nearly 11. We had a nice visit. To bed late. Took Betty some of my roses. They are doing so well now.

Clydene Hostetler was a longtime Belfair resident and historian. She now lives on a classic wooden boat on the Columbia River. She has been researching Mary Theler's life for the past 17 years. She can be emailed at [email protected].


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