Dedicated to the citizens of Mason County, Washington since 1886

Mary has low-energy day: 'I was not worth a cent'

Tulips were coming up a bit late 74 years ago, just like today. I think Mary is a sun worshipper. What do you think? It is only May and I bet she has a head start on that tan of hers.

Saturday, May 7, 1949

Today I got up early and washed all the clothes. Then scrubbed the cabin good and to Belfair. We saw Kreislers at Belfair and had a nice talk. Bought our groceries and went to the locker and home. Cleaned the house and then laid out in the sun. Oh, it is surely nice out! So warm. The crab tree Eli is so lovely. Prettiest I ever saw. The tulips are coming out too. In the afternoon the Ed Fischlers came in for a few minutes. Showed Betty my Canadian purchases and she thought they were OK. I watered the entire front of the lawn and now it looks very good. Maimee Gould called up and so did Lovey. Maimee and I are all ready for Officers Club Tuesday. To bed early. Very tired. I raked all the leaves and clippings where they were too heavy on the lawn.

Sunday, May 8, 1949

A warm sunny day and I finished all the hand ironing before breakfast. Cleaned house and put all the clothes away. Then I washed all the windows outside so they will be clean for Tuesday. Last night cleaned up my desk and put everything away that needed attention. Worked on the ivy but it got too hot, so I laid in the sun. Blanche is here taking in the sun too. Mae and Lionel Housen came down with the sewing machine about 5:30 so I showed them the flowers. We had a nice visit. Then after the watering was done Blanche and I went over to Skenes. We found Graham in bed from a bad cold and a heart condition. He gets more medical care Monday, so will find out more about his condition. I hope it is not too serious. Home early and to bed. A very warm day out.

Monday, May 9, 1949

Today was very hot and with very little wind. Brought Squires down here at 8 but he went home at 11 so did not get much done. Then I weeded part of the garden and cleaned the flower bed by the cabin. All morning I cleaned house. Put in fresh lilacs so it looks very, very nice. Then to Belfair for groceries and mail. Went for rhododendrons so stopped at the cemetery and left a spray at Pope's grave. Watered the lawn good so tomorrow I won't need to. Wilma Rasmussen came down and got some flowers for her maypoles. They surely are cute, and the girls should like them. We had a nice visit. I laid in the sun awhile and so did Blanche. My, it felt good! Very cool out tonight and good for watering. To bed early.

Tuesday, May 10, 1949

Arose early and got Squires to work in the garden. Then Blanche and I got ready for town. Rode to Line officers with Alice Pope, Wilma Rasmussen, Ruth Small and Alma Bard. Wilma had cute table decorations of maypoles in soup dishes filled with moss and spring flowers. There were 35 girls out and we had a good time. Alice Pope was elected president, Agnes Erickson secretary treasurer and Bertha Johnson vice president by unanimous ballot. So, I presented Alice with the gavel Eddie Fischler made. Took Mamie Gould home with us and to the beach. We ate a light supper and got ready for Officers Club. The group came about 8 o'clock and everyone was there but Georgia B., Florence L. and Betty M. We had a nice evening and lunch went very well. We had a nice time and Nadine played on the piano for us. They left at 10:30 and then I did up the dishes. To bed late. Sam came home at 12.

Wednesday, May 11, 1949

Today I was so tired I was not worth a cent. Could not sleep so arose early. Cleaned cabin. Sam went over the house with the vacuum, and I dusted. We put away the chairs, so all evidence of the party is gone. Very warm out and a little wind. To the beauty shop and got my hair done for Thursday. Then home and did some mending. To the Masonic Temple and found out we were to decorate with rhododendrons May 21st. Took Evelyn Hyde to the house with me. We are now in the shade. It is so nice. Wrote in scrapbook. Evelyn and I went to Skenes. He does not look very good. They go to Seattle to another doctor Friday. We ate a steak dinner outside, cooked it on the brick stove. Sam watered the lawn good. Rudy came down. Then Al W. and Henningsen came for Sam to go to The Masonic Budget meeting. To bed early.

Thursday, May 12, 1949

Another very hot day and we arose late but we had a real good rest. Then Sam sprayed Weed-B-Gone all over the lawn. I used the hand sickle over quite an area and took the grass away. It looks very good. Maimee Gould called up and said Chapter would take up late as Masonic funeral was to take place first. So, I'm thinking we shall not get into Job's meeting very early. Sam went to Seattle at 1:30 and I went out and laid in the sun. It surely felt good, and the bay is warm enough to swim in. Got the paper and ate lunch. Went to get Lovey and we found we had to wait only a short time for the hall. We flew around and opened it and were through at 9. Many errors. I placed Bible on altar wrong and forgot to sign bills. To visit Job's Daughters and saw them put on their initiatory work. Refreshments of butterhorns, punch and coffee.

Friday, May 13, 1949

Arose early and worked in the garden till 9:30 then ate breakfast and cleaned house. Everything ready for Saturday. Very warm out. Sent cards to members who had lost relatives. To Belfair and ordered a cake for May 21. Saw Squires about planting next wet day. Ordered two moss roses. Then home and cut all the grass along the rail fence and looks very good. But oh, did I get tired! To town about 7 and called on Alma Nelson. We plan to catch the 9:25 boat May 25. To the ferry and picked up John and Mamma and home again. There were a lot of cars on the road, and it was very warm, so I was glad to get back. We sat around and talked awhile and then to bed.

Clydene Hostetler was a longtime Belfair resident and historian. She now resides on a classic wooden boat on the Columbia River. She has been researching Mary Theler's life for the past 17 years. She can be emailed at [email protected].


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