Dedicated to the citizens of Mason County, Washington since 1886

Helping neighbors in need

A single mother of four with little income is hoping you pluck her wish list off the Christmas Giving Tree at T's Café and Espresso in downtown Shelton and make her family's holiday brighter.

Her requests and others hang in purple paper from the sparkling tree at the café at 118 S. Third St., one of several Mason County sites where donations are being accepted.

This is the third year T's Café has hosted the Giving Tree donation drive. Mason County residents who are low-income, disabled or unemployed can apply to receive donated gifts through T's Café's Facebook site and Messenger, said owner Theresa Landsiedel.

"I want to help so all these children have Christmas," she said. "With COVID, a lot of people lost jobs."

Dec. 17 is the deadline to deliver the wrapped gifts.

Toys for Tots is conducting its 75th annual donation drive through Dec. 10. Donations of money are accepted at and click "Donate Online." To register your child to receive toys, go to the same website and click "Apply for Toys."

To apply in person, go to the Department of Safety and Health Services at 2505 Olympic Highway N., Suite 440, Shelton.

How about helping one of your homeless neighbors? Pick up a Christmas sponsor card at the Shelton-based nonprofit Crazy Love Ministries' warming center at 110 S. First St. in downtown Shelton.

The packages must be returned to the center on or before Dec. 11. They can be dropped off from 8 a.m. to noon Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, and 1 to 4 p.m. Sundays. Street parking is available on West Railroad Avenue and Front Street.

For more information, call or text 360-358-3355.

Author Bio

Gordon Weeks, Reporter

Shelton-Mason County Journal & Belfair Herald


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