Dedicated to the citizens of Mason County, Washington since 1886

Opinion / Letters To The Editor

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 145

  • Letters to the Editor

    Oct 3, 2024

    No conflict Editor, The Journal, As an introduction, I am chair of the Mason County Planning Advisory Commission. The PAC reviews citizens’ requests provided to us by county employees, along with their recommendation. With a thorough discussion among the PAC members and input from the public present, online and written comments, the PAC votes on forwarding an acceptance or a rejection recommendation to the Mason County Board of County Commissioners. Note the term “advisory” in the PAC acronym. It is the BOCC that makes the actual legal decis...

  • Journal Letter Policy

    Oct 3, 2024

    The Shelton-Mason County Journal encourages original letters to the editor of local interest. Diverse and varied opinions are welcome. We will not publish letters that are deemed libelous or scurrilous in nature. We reserve the right to reject any letter for any reason. When submitting a letter, please observe the following guidelines: Writers are limited to one original letter plus one rebuttal or counter-rebuttal per calendar month; Letters should be no more than 300 words; Letters will be edited for grammar, spelling, style, clarity and... Full story

  • Letters to the Editor

    Sep 26, 2024

    Please go vote Editor, the Journal, Christians, are you satisfied in the way our country is leaning? Many Christians don’t bother to vote. The state of our country is at risk, our children are at risk. Please go vote! It is crucial to get our country back on the right track. “God Bless.” Arline Goldsby, Shelton Vote Neatherlin Editor, the Journal, This affects all of us in Mason County. Candidate for Mason County commissioner, William Harris, just did something disgusting, and everyone should be aware of it. Mr. Harris sits on the plann...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Aug 29, 2024

    The greater good Editor, the Journal, I would like to compliment R. Lee Olsen for his homeless suggestion in the Aug. 22 issue of the Journal. An excellent idea. I have driven past the Shelton School District building next to Tozier Bros. frequently over the years. During the week, there is generally one car parked in the building lot, rarely two cars are parked there. For such a large building, it appears to be mostly unused. There must be many offices that could be converted to homeless housing, in addition to many available bathrooms. Kudos...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Aug 22, 2024

    A thank you Editor, the Journal, On behalf of the Pioneer School District, I want to thank all of those who contributed to our Stuff the Bus campaign at Walmart. Through your generous donations, our students will have the school supplies they need to be successful in their classrooms. A special thank you goes out to the Pioneer Kiwanis Club for donating its time at the site, providing financial donations, and for their ongoing support of the Pioneer School District. Thank you to Pam Harrell for organizing this event. Jeff Davis,...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Aug 15, 2024

    Civil dialogue Editor, the Journal, I don’t recall ever agreeing with letter writer Mr. Anvik ... until now. I understand the Journal’s editorial decision to “simmer down” the vitriolic rhetoric from some letter writers and favor comment on less divisive local issues. But as the saying goes, all politics are local. How more local can you get than government control of a woman’s womb? Or children in our grade schools learning reading, writing, arithmetic and how to shelter from a madman with a legal assault weapon? The Journal can be a valuable...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Aug 8, 2024

    Election systems are critical Editor, the Journal, This is a reply to Scott Peterson’s letter of Aug. 1: Dear Mr. Peterson, In my view, election systems are more critical than the systems supporting the financial sector. I often say, “ballots are more valuable than cash” because the outcome of an election can shape the distribution of resources and power, and affect the future of our county, state and country. There is much at stake. Financial security experts don’t wait until something is compromised before addressing threats; they are pro...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Aug 1, 2024

    Editor's note: In response to several letters to the editor regarding Mason County's primary election voters pamphlet that was sent to all voters in the county, including only in-county races, but not state or federal races, the Journal reached out to Auditor Steve Duenkel. His response is below: "I have been hearing complaints and requests as well. As required by state law, Mason County began publishing and mailing primary voters pamphlets in 2021. At that time, the decision made was to only cover county and local races in those pamphlets to m...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Jul 25, 2024

    Apology accepted Editor, the Journal and Mr. Gordon Weeks, I accept your multiple apologies via email, voicemail and personal phone call. Not only did I read the tone of your words, but also I discerned your sincerity with the tone of your voice. Additionally, I forgive you for any anguish your misquote has caused me. Finally, I expect the Shelton-Mason County Journal to keep its promise: a front-page correction and a “most sincere” apology along with admitting, “It is 100% our mistake.” When your paper has used my words or quoted me in the...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Jul 18, 2024

    Fireworks, opinions Editor, the Journal, I have two unrelated issues I’d like to address. First, 4th of July celebrations. We fought a war to win our independence. We have a national anthem that celebrates “The red glare of bombs bursting in air.” Every year, I see the looks of fear, no terror, in the eyes of my horses as they run around unable to get away from the terrible sounds coming from behind us and then from across the road. I’ve seen the trembling of a small dog as he cowers in a ball in the bathroom. When I had cats they too had fea...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Jul 11, 2024

    Independence Day 2024 in Shelton Editor, the Journal, Pyrotechnics have become quite prevalent in my home town. The day’s first explosion was heard at 0535 hours. Then occasional detonations until evening when the frequency increased, then nightfall and the explosions were unceasing. Yes, few lulls, they served as a suggestion and a hopeful but unrewarded tease. There was nolet up until midnight when the detonations became less frequent and then toward dawn, then ceased for the day just after sunrise. Do I need to repeat the “why not to do thi...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Jul 4, 2024

    Bad headline Editor, the Journal, Your sensational banner headline in the June 27 Journal did great disrespect to the facts. A more accurate headline would have read "Incalculable Grief and Sorrow on the Skokomish Reservation" and would have better served. Andrea Love, Union Good policy Editor, the Journal, Congratulations on the success of your new policy concerning what you will print in connection with letters to the editor. I have been riveted by the many positive responses concerning local...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Jun 20, 2024

    Wrong message Editor, the Journal, I read Theresa Murray's Kid's Message each week. This week I'm wondering why she sent our kids the wrong message. In America there is a plethora of Christian churches across these fruited plains, especially in Shelton and surrounding Mason County there's a church on nearly every corner. Shelton has a variety of 27 Christian churches catering to as many different denominations. Baptist, Methodist, Catholic, Pentecostal, Foursquare, Lutheran, Jehovah Witness,...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Jun 13, 2024

    Assessor responds Editor, the Journal, In response to Mr. Gripp's letter to the editor, "Assessor's Math." In accordance with Washington State law, all property must be valued and assessed at one hundred percent of true and fair value, unless otherwise provided by law. "True and fair value" means market value and is the amount of money a buyer of property willing but not obligated to buy would pay a seller of property willing but not obligated to sell (WAC 458-07-030). There are three...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Jun 6, 2024

    A thank you to groundskeepers Editor, the Journal, The Shelton Memorial Park is nice all year but it was especially nice this Memorial Day weekend. Thank you to the groundskeepers and everyone who keeps it up. Florence Wood, Shelton Informative article Editor, the Journal, I finished reading Jan Parker’s great historical article about “Professor Loop” in the April 25th Journal. As a kid growing up in Shelton, we knew little about him except that he was some kind of early Shelton legend and t...

  • Letters to the Editor

    May 30, 2024

    Thanks for aiding Fire District 12 Editor, the Journal, I commend our elected Mason County commissioners Randy Neatherlin, Kevin Shutty, Sharon Trask, Sheriff Ryan Spurling and Auditor Steve Duenkel and staff at Mason County for their actions to stabilize Fire District 12. I was impressed seeing the auditor, sheriff and our county commissioners at community meetings regarding the fire district where they offered support and answered questions from the public. Our state Reps. Dan Griffey and...

  • Letters to the Editor

    May 23, 2024

    Editor’s note: The following letter to the editor was submitted by Shelton High School student teacher Shalisa Smith on behalf of Lily Bennett, a student and athlete for the Highclimbers. A letter to female athletes Editor, the Journal, Dear athletes, Nobody warns you about how different things are once you are in high school sports. It is often overlooked how much things change from the time we are preteens to the time we are teens. We used to be on an even playing field with all the boys, now biology limits how much we can grow. The most i...

  • Letters to the Editor

    May 16, 2024

    Advice for Shelton graduates Editor, the Journal, Subject: Advice for SSD graduating seniors Managing your money and planning for the future are such a big part of being an adult. In life you will find that not all people or organizations are good at managing their money. Don't follow the example the Shelton School District has set for you regarding money management. Do set aside a reasonable reserve for those rainy days that will surely come. You see, SSD has been borrowing from the Mason...

  • Letters to the Editor

    May 9, 2024

    Editor's note: The following letter appeared in last week's Journal with an incorrect headline. The Journal regrets the error and is re-running the letter with the correct headline. Belfair Masons say thanks Editor, the Journal, The Belfair Masons who meet at the hall of Hood Canal Lodge hosted the 71st annual Easter dinner on Sunday, March 31. They have held this annual dinner every year since 1951 and it's open to the public. The only years this dinner has not been held were the periods not...

  • Letters to the Editor

    May 2, 2024

    Sales impact value Editor, the Journal, An informational response to Davis Zanot’s letter to the editor in the April 25 Journal. The Assessor’s Office is responsible for valuing all taxable property at 100% of its true and fair market value according to the highest and best use of the property, as mandated by state law. It’s important to note, however, that the Assessor’s Office does not set the market but interprets these market transactions, often set by Realtors in which both sellers and buyers agree. Values are adjusted annually based u...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Apr 25, 2024

    I'm OK paying property tax bill Editor, the Journal, Last year I purchased my first home, after over 15 years of renting and five years of saving. It hurt to pay nearly double the price the house sold for previously in 2017, but that pain is dulled by the facts that I can even afford to buy due to the circumstances afforded to me being a childless 30-something with marketable skills. I recently got my first tax bill, and the assessor definitely paid attention to the sale price and adjusted my...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Apr 18, 2024

    What is nice? Editor, The Journal, I must wonder, does the Journal’s editorial cartoon artist even read your paper or research his chosen topic? Based on last week’s cartoon, I would have to say no. The cartoon depicted a citizen complaining to the school board about free speech. That has happened recently; however, the cartoonist’s point was that the complaint was about being asked to be “be nice” while the citizen wanted to “name call, insult.” I assume the cartoonist was referring to recent public comments at the Shelton School Distri...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Apr 11, 2024

    Property tax Editor, the Journal, The assessor took an oath to support the U.S. Constitution, especially the first article in the Bill of Rights not to prohibit the free exercise of religion which has been done when children are being exposed to comprehensive sex-ed K-12th grade against the Holy Bible. Two-thirds of property tax funds public schools and the remainder also is illegal because the property tax is against our original state Constitution according to appellant, David Darby. At 91...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Apr 4, 2024

    Fire support Editor, the Journal, I am a Matlock Fire District 12 resident and I am asking Mason County residents to please support the West Mason Fire District 16 levy. I have heard that there is a lot of confusion over the district boundaries and also that the recent corruption in Matlock Fire 12 has negatively impacted West Mason Fire 16’s levy. We in the Matlock district are dealing with our issues as best we can but we do not want our problems to negatively affect West Mason Fire 16. West Mason Fire 16 is professional and fiscally r...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Mar 28, 2024

    Sunshine act Editor, the Journal, In response to Ed Reiter "Vote on the clock." I totally agree a vote of the people would have been a great way to find out the "will of the people" regarding staying Pacific Standard Time or switching the clocks to Daylight Saving Thief. As it stands now, in 2019 a group of our legislators changed the RCWs and gave the decision to switch to Daylight Stealing Time permanently to Congress. Thank goodness they took forever to select a speaker of the House and the...

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