Dedicated to the citizens of Mason County, Washington since 1886

Education Briefs

Services for highly capable students

The deadline is Friday to nominate or refer Shelton School District students for Highly Capable services. According to the district, highly capable students generally possess the following learning characteristics:

■ Capacity to learn with unusual depth of understanding, to retain what has been learned and to transfer learning to new situations.

■ Capacity and willingness to deal with increasing levels of abstraction and complexity earlier than their chronological peers.

■ Ability to make unusual connections among ideas and concepts.

■ Ability to learn quickly in their area(s) of intellectual strengths.

■ Capacity for intense concentration and/or focus.

Students identified as highly capable qualify for receiving services designed to meet their distinct needs as a learner. These services might include grade content acceleration and/or compacting; cluster grouping; academic enrichment; and advanced/AP courses.

Parents, teachers and others can nominate students. Fill out the parent permission and referral form and the teacher form on the district’s website under “What’s New” and then “Highly Capable Program Referral” and send to the child’s school office by Friday.

For more information, contact Adrienne Minnery, director of curriculum and interaction K-6, at 360-426-1687, ext. 10032, or [email protected].


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